May 03, 2011

Chasys Draw IES Full Version

Chasys Draw IES adalah satu set lengkap perangkat lunak yang dirancang khusus untuk mengedit gambar dan grafik. Software ini menawarkan fitur yang fleksibel.

Editor foto termasuk dalam Chasys Draw IES menggunakan ide dari lapisan bebas-gaya dengan animasi. Menggunakan alat ini, Anda juga dapat membuat dan mengekstrak ikon vista seperti, mengkonversi format file gambar dan melihat foto dengan cepat. 

Chasys Draw IES menerima plug-in sehingga Anda dapat memperluas fungsionalitas dan kompatibilitas dengan program lain. Anda dapat mendapatkan hasil yang berkualitas tinggi karena adanya efek khusus yang  berbasis transparansi. Selain itu, alat ini memberikan perlindungan total pada gambar dengan menggunakan mesin enkripsi data. 

Suite editing gambar benar-benar sebuah inovasi yang luar biasa. Hal ini secara khusus dikembangkan untuk mengambil keuntungan dari perangkat layar sentuh dan prosesor multi-core. 

Ingin memiliki Chasys Draw IES sekarang? Silahkan Klik link download di bawah ini:

May 02, 2011

Berjanjilah Sahabat

Jika matamu berat melihatku
ringankanlah kakimu 
untuk pergi

jika bibirmu terpaksa
senyum kepadaku
relakanlah mukamu
untuk berpaling dariku

Jika susah untuk melupakan
senangkanlah lidahmu

jika suatu hari nanti entah kapan
mendengar berita

Ikhlaskanlah tanganmu
menitipkan doa untukku dan
bisikkanlah di telingaku

April 26, 2011

Cara membuat Widget Pos Link bergambar di bawah postingan Blog.

Kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang Cara Membuat Widget Pos Link bergambar seperti yang ada di blog ini, sesuai dengan Permintaan sahabatku yang menanyakan bagaimana cara membuat  Widget Pos Link bergambar
Mungkin utuk postingan ini sudah banyak yang tau bagaimana melakukanya, tapi saya rasa masih ada yang belumtau hususnya bagi para Bloger Pemula,
Langsung saja saya kasih taulangkah langkahnya:
  • Silahkan anda Klik disini
  • Lalu Isi kolom-kolomnya seperti yang ada di gambar bawah ini, untuk Width/post yang akan anda tampilkan di blog boleh ada ganti, atara 3, 4 dan 5:

  • kalau sudah selesai mengisinya silahkan anda klik Get Widget!
  • sebelum anda meng klik Install Widget seperti yang ada di gambar bawah ini, baiknya anda membacanya dulu agar lebih paham.


April 21, 2011

Cara Membuat Link Blog Mengeluarkan Warna Kuning

Kalau dulu saya memposting tentang Link Mengeluarkan Bintang saat mous di sorotkan ke bagian ter tentu, maka kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang cara membuat Link Blog Mengekuarkan Warna Kuning, agar Link Pada Blog anda kelihatan hidup dan menawan.

Langsung saja saya kasih tau cara-caranya:
    • Login Ke akun Blog Sobat
    • Pada Dasbor Klik Rancangan/tata Letak
    • Edit HTML
    • Centang Kolom (Expand Widget)
    • Cari Kode a:hover { tapi yg berdekatan dengan a:link{ atau berdekatan dengan a:visited{
    • Copy Paste Kode di bawah ini pas di samping a:hover { 
    text-shadow: 0 0 2px #ccc, 0 -5px 4px #ff3, 2px -6px 6px #fd3, -2px -8px 9px #f40,   2px -10px 10px #f10;

    • Lalu Save dan lihat hasilnya.

    Selamat mencoba semoga berhasil
    jangan lupa tinggalakan komentar anda di blog ini:

IDM. 14 Portable

Seperti yg anda ketahui, Internet Download Manager/IDMan/IDM merupakan salah satu software download manager yg sangat powerfull dan terkenal. Seperti postingan saya sebelumnya IDM merupakan suatu alat untuk menaikan kecepatan pada saat proses download.

Kelebihan lainnya yaitu IDM dapat menunda dan melanjutkan kembali file yg sedang didownload tanpa merusak file tersebut, dan IDM berperan penting dalam mengurangi error/kesalahan yg terjadi pada saat proses download berlangsung yg disebabkan oleh koneksi yg tidak stabil.

Mungkin banyak yg bertanya kenapa saya memposting IDM lagi..

Tapi pada posting kali ini saya memberikan IDM PORTABLE.
Terus apa bedanya dengan IDM biasa??
Pada versi portable, yg membedakanya adalah software/program ini tidak memerlukan proses instalasi, anda cukup dengan meng-copy foldernya dan mem-paste-kannya ketempat yg anda inginkan.

Anda juga dapat menaruh IDM portable kedalam flash disk, dengan begitu anda dapat menggunakan IDM di warnet, kantor, dan dimanapun anda berada.

Lalu anda tinggal menjalankan IDM.exe, dan secara otomatis IDM akan melakukan penyesuaian dengan browser yg terdapat dikomputer tersebut, seperti Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer dan lainnya.

Download di sini:

Kau Hawaku

Bukan dari tulang ubun ia di ciptakan
sebab berbahaya membiarkanya
dalam sanjung dan puja,

tak juga dari tulang kaki
karena nista menjadikanya di injak
dan di perbudak,

tapi dari rusuk kiri 
dekat dengan hati untuk di cintai
dan di sayangi.

April 20, 2011

Love Fading

when violet quiet
jerking my time
description tears
my space

You have created happiness
but too fast you break
there is a sweet promise that you recite
but the betrayal that you give

hum songs miss any
I feel more takmampu
rhythm rhythm
Huuft Pain.


ketika lembayung sunyi
hentakkan waktuku
uraian air mata membasahi
ruang hatiku

kau telah ciptakan kebahagiaan
namun terlalu cepat kau patahkan
ada janji manis yang kau lafalkan
namun penghianatan yang kau berikan

lagu senandung rindu pun
takmampu lagi ku rasakan
alunan iramanya
Huuft Sakiiiit.

My Tyranny

Strand of that smile
still made ​​an impression on liver
there are a million happy hue
that you send out.

hum songs miss
echoed solve
quietness of this heart
when you show
your sweet smile
I really could not
let go of my eyes ..
Seuntai senyum itu
masih membekas di hati
ada sejuta rona bahagia
yang kau pancarkan.

lagu senandung rindu
menggema memecahkan
heningnya hati ini
saat kau tunjukkan
manis senyum kamu
sungguh aku tak mampu
melepaskan pandanganku.

My Honey

Kidung kasih mengalun sendu
di balik dedaunan rindu kala itu,
kau eluka risalah cintamu
dalam sanubariku yang rapuh....

Kabutpun turun lagi 
di lembah penuh kasih
membawaku kedalam relung hatimu
saat kau sebarkan rona senyum indah itu.

dan jemari indah bertahta
membawa bahtera cinta
dalam hingar bingar hatiku
yang seakan rindu akan kasihmu...


Kusibak tiraniku
menggelepar lara
dalam kidung kasih
yang tak abadi....

Ada luka, sedih dan
bahagia mengikis hati
ada harapan yang pasti
akan pudar dan tercecer...

Kutau Ini akan perih 
tapi ku bahagia, walau
kadang kumurung,
hujan air mata....

April 19, 2011


Bernyanyilah seakan tidak ada yang 
Menarilah seakan tidak ada yang
dan mencintailah seakan tidak
pernah sakit....

Karena memang hidupmu 
adalah hidupmu
bukan hidupku dan hidupnya....

My Friend

Get out of my life
when you hard with me
and ran
as strong as your legs ...

but you're still my best friend
like the first time you
cry and laugh
when the poems that we recite

although there is tyranny
the dead and
there is a feeling that
should die

but you're still my best friend
yesterday, today and
until next time
you hate me friend ....

Whitish in Women

keputihan miss v 275x300 Keputihan pada WanitaThe problem of whiteness is a problem that has long been a problem for women. Not many women who know what it is whitish and white sometimes underestimate this problem. Though whiteness can not be taken lightly, as a result of this discharge can be very fatal when treated late.
Whitish or Fluor Albus is a condition in which excess fluid from the vagina. Whiteness can be divided into 2 parts, namely a normal vaginal discharge (physiologic) and abnormal vaginal discharge (pathological). Vaginal discharge that is not a disease (physiological) can only occur in every girl. 

Usually the liquid that comes out clear, colorless, odorless and does not itch. This whitish fluid amounts can be a little or a lot, happened before and after menstruation, when sexually aroused or when you're stressed. Sometimes we are teenagers also experience vaginal discharge just before puberty, usually these symptoms will disappear by itself.
However, if the discharge from the vagina is not clear, yellowish-white, gray to greenish, thick, smelling like rotten eggs or rancid, itching and more numerous, most likely is already abnormal vaginal discharge. Some of the causes of abnormal vaginal discharge caused by infection is usually accompanied by intense itching in the vagina and around the outer vaginal lips. Which often cause vaginal discharge include bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites as well. If not treated promptly the infection can spread and cause inflammation of the urinary tract, causing pain when the patient is urinating.
Discharge can be prevented by means of:
  • Maintain cleanliness of the genital area, clean the vagina with clean running water by wiping from front to back.
  • Minimize the use of antiseptic soaps as they may interfere with vaginal pH balance.
  • Change the bandage on time at least 3 times a day.
  • Choosing the right underwear, wearing pants that are not tight and absorb sweat.
  • Avoiding risk factors for infection such as changing sexual partners, as well as gynecological examinations regularly.  
Vaginal discharge should be treated early, so symptoms develop. Because if you have chronic vaginal discharge and prolonged will be more difficult to treat. In addition, if the discharge is allowed to spread into the uterine cavity and then kesaluran ovaries and to the ovaries and eventually into the pelvic cavity. Not infrequently a woman who suffered from chronic vaginal discharge (many years) can become sterile and even can result in death.

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Whitish Cause Abnormal

Cleanliness sex organs must be maintained. If not maintained properly can cause problems that are often marked with whitish discharge.
Whitish vaginal discharge 2 256x300 Causes of course very disturbing AbnormalKeputihan abnormal sexual life of women.
Basically, white is the excessive discharge from the vagina. Sometimes accompanied by itching, burning in vaginal lips, or often also accompanied by the stench and pain when urination or intercourse. In normal circumstances no liquid can change into a thick, white, yellowish, gray to greenish.
It smells different too, can be odorless or smell like rotten eggs or rancid like raw fish.
Changes in the balance of bacteria in the vagina may affect the color, smell and texture of vaginal discharge. Here are some conditions that can cause changes in the balance of bacteria and concentration (pH), vaginal acid:
  1. The use of antibiotics and streoid causing bacteria long enough "good" guards dead vaginal pH and fungi flourish.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis, a bacterial infection that often occurs in pregnant women or in women who have many sexual partners
  3. The use of birth control pills because the hormone balance is affected and pH imbalances.
  4. Cervical cancer.
  5. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection.
  6. Uncontrolled diabetes so that a high sugar content causes the sugar in the urine and blood and cause bacteria to flourish.
  7. The use of vaginal washing soap for disturbing the pH balance of the vagina.
  8. Pelvic infection after surgery.
  9. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
  10. Trichomoniasis, a parasitic infection that is usually due to unsafe sex.
  11. Vaginal atrophy, vaginal wall thinning and dryness due to menopause.
  12. Vaginitis, a condition of inflammation and irritation around the vagina.
  13. Fungal infections.   
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Gum Disease Causes And Risk For Stroke

A recent study revealed that gum disease (periodontitis) carries a greater risk compared with diabetes to lead to stroke. Gum disease and the effect on stroke is nearly as large as the effect of hypertension or high blood pressure is indeed a major cause of stroke.

A few years back, was already growing evidence that shows a link between gum disease (periodontitis) with stroke. And now, a new study found that people with gum disease have nearly twice the risk of experiencing non-fatal stroke (ischemic stroke) than those with diabetes.

Research presented at the event 89th International Association for Dental Research (IADR) General Session and Exhibition in San Diego last month, is a warning about the seriousness of the health effects of poor oral health in general.

Dr Nigel Carter, chief executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, said, "Obesity, alcohol abuse, poor diet and smoking are Generally well-known risk factors cans That cause strokes. Less well-known are the risks the caused by gum disease."

He added that this research is very important because it helps gauge the importance of oral health and compare it with other risk factors. This research was also surprising, he said. Because by knowing gum disease have the same risk with hypertension is a very significant discovery. And with the finding that the risk of gum disease has doubled in the cause of non-fatal stroke compared with diabetic, totally out of prediction experts.

'The research sends a clear message That the risks the caused by poor oral health Should not be overlooked or Considered Important Pls less compared to others factors,' he added.

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April 18, 2011

Body Care Tips To Stay Healthy

In everyday life we ​​should always put our body and soul health because health is delicious and also there is a saying that someone will not respect his own health when he was still healthy. Once the importance of health so that there are people who are willing to pay billions of dollars for her health when she sakit.Tip following are examples of activities that can we live in our everyday world. Activity or the activity into the application of healthy lifestyles, namely:

1. Avoidance / Stop The Stupid Habits That's disgusting

Activities stupid for some people presumed / considered as activities that are cool, macho and slang is like smoking, drinking, using drugs / narcotics / other additive substances that cause addiction.

Just imagine if it has been subjected to any of the activities above, so stupid a person can spend lots of money to buy opium, for future medical expenses, wasted too much time to buy and consume these illicit goods.

Using the disgusting stuff, of course, add our sins doubled because of the impact / effect is not just us who feel, but also others such as parents, friends, family, boyfriend, and so forth.

2. Do not Make Free Sex Outside Marriage

Sex is good for the used of people. But it would be honorable and terpujinya if sex is done with full responsibility and with the blessing of many people. Most sex is underrated for couples who are used to do it or for people who easily aroused without a strong faith.

The impact effect of free sex premarital sex is such as:
a. pregnant out of wedlock and the man ran away from responsibility.
b. exposed to infectious diseases like AIDS which has no cure.
c. big sin to God
d. excluded from social and community
e. raided by police / Satpol pp / hansip
f. own girlfriend murdered, raped, etc..
g. addicted to orgasms and grew into a dangerous phase.
h. beginning of foolish activity number 1 above.
i. hard to get a mate when would seriously marry.
j. lie to parents, families, relatives, friends, etc..
k. and many more due to the bad.

The purpose of sex to get the climax / orgasm much deified by many people who get lost and they will find another victim to be invited and was dragged into the black valley. If berhbungan with the opposite sex or same-sex without marriage should not see it if ngesex delicious side, but look at the negative side very much. You will be disgusted to do it.

3. Eat Healthy Food And Under Rule

Good food is not necessarily healthy. Many foods and drinks are dangerous and unhealthy if consumed. Examples such as the use of borax and formaldehyde as a preservative of food and drinks that should digonakan to preserve the corpse / corpse / carcass.

When snacks do not carelessly. Buy food and beverages in place to secure cleanliness / hygiene of food drink. Be careful and always alert terhada whatever will we put in our mouth because it could have a drink or food we buy and ready to eat has been mixed with hazardous toxic substances like arsenic, barbiturates, seangga poison, rat poison, pengewet not for food and beverages, and so forth. See also the cleanliness of the place and the processing and selection of raw materials food / beverage.

Do not be easily tempted by ads on TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, sales, and so forth. Sometimes the manufacturer also lied to get great benefits and work with individual governments to shut up.

Eat nutritious foods and beverages that are adjusted for body condition, activity as well as we age. Eat before the hungry and stop eating before satiety is a good habit. Never forget with four of five perfectly healthy that we often hear from old times. Eat a balanced nutritional intake because of what we eat will represent us in the future.

4. Keeping Yourself Hygiene And Environment Around Us

Cleanliness themselves need to be considered and maintained at all because it is associated / linked closely with how we look at the general public. tidiness and cleanliness of the body such as hair, nails, face, eyes, ears, skin, mouth, teeth, hands, feet, etc. to give effect to the overall body health. Avoid exchanging toiletries, primp, health, personal clothing with other people because it may be able to transmit dangerous diseases.

Just imagine if someone can cause acute dental pain he did not enter the office for days because the pain is unbearable. People who have a dirty appearance and style will be shunned from daily life and will be difficult to make friends, boyfriend, partner, employment, trust and others.

Keep the environment clean of waste and environmental disease because the environment can affect the health of our bodies. Garbage is piled and rotting able to remove the unpleasant smell / tasty, the view that slum / dirty, the sound of flies that were flying, the sound of the oath-curse people who are nearby, and so forth.

Garbage can also be a nest of rats spread diseases such as leptospirosis Disease spread through rat urine and tipes / typhoid. Mosquitoes can also spread the seeds that can berkibat melaria plasmodium and dengue fever in man. flies that spread bacteria and viruses that cause gastrointestinal diseases such as beri-beri, dysentery, diarrhea, and so forth.

5. Exercise And Health Into Your doctor checked Periodic

Exercise regularly to stimulate the heart, breathing and blood circulation becomes better. Get used to exercise every day with a light activity such as walking, gymnastics, fitness, jogging, biking, or doing a full sports like playing badminton, soccer, marathon running, tennis, basketball, and so forth.

In addition there is another sport which is not less important to the sport of periodic health check regularly to the doctor. In order medical examinations are programmed for diseases or disorders that arise can be detected more quickly so that treatment would not eat a lot of cost, time and energy.

6. Avoid Stress: A Disgusting Way The Healthy And Halal
To avoid the stress that strategies are needed for each individual. Discover the best way to relieve stress with your own simple way, can be done everywhere, cheap, healthy, kosher, and delicious made. Examples of activities such as relieving stress is by listening to personal music that is fun and ngilangin burden of the mind that is, playing video games, music, play music, sports, chatting at friends-close friends, ventilation, non-gambling playing cards, healthy dating, eating, having husband and wife / sex with a legitimate partner, hanging out in the lavatories, a trip to the mall, singing, playing small toys, gardening, fishing, weeping in solitude, sleep, and so forth.
The point in your life is nyantai wrote with all the problems that exist. Why should hard (stress), it is hard to no avail. Your emotions do not become evil and self-control you, because emotions are not controlled and sometimes into revenge, hurt, and others that look foolish to others. There are issues / problems that can make you depressed indifferent aja lah, is not no job.
Enough sleep, hold ourselves to Almighty God according to religion and beliefs of each origin is not evil, and to implement healthy lifestyle programs to prevent stress and depression when it could become severe and chronic mental disorders and mental illness that makes your taste depressed and ashamed of the crowd. Consult with a psychologist if you have mental problems or other people who you trust if you are embarrassed. Open your heart to accept criticism, feedback and suggestions from others and change your lifestyle if necessary for the health of the soul / mind you.


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Tips on How to Solve Odor Mouth, Prevent, Treat

Overcoming Mouth Odor Tips on How to Prevent Treat. Nasuha this post will share some tips or ways to prevent, solve and treat bad breath. Do not Sepelekan bad breath or in medical terms is called halitosis. If allowed to go on late into the bad breath or halitosis is severe to interfere with social life, personal, and professional person. Because, first impressions are generated on the people around will affect the assessment of one's self to the end.

Some causes of bad breath in general can be prevented and avoided. But in some patients with severe bad breath, until now researchers and dentists have to know the direct cause of this bad breath. Often the weight of bad breath caused by more than one thing and often complex causes. Brushing teeth twice a day is a thing that should always be done.

Some tips or ways to prevent, solve and treat bad breath is to brush your teeth regularly, use dental floss to clean the areas a toothbrush can not reach, use a mouthwash if necessary, drink more water, use a water pick to clean all the mouth, gums and teeth, tongue cleaning, and to make preparations necessary circumstances always spray the mouth or chewing mouth fresheners in your bag, chew sugarless gum with cinnamon flavor is an effective way.

Tip or how to avoid bad breath is to avoid foods that can cause bad breath such as onions, banana, and sweet foods. Avoid drinking alcohol, stress, and do regular exercise. If a few steps above can not also solve your gum problems, discuss with your doctor or your dentist for better results

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