May 05, 2011

Mendaftarkan Blog ke Search Engine Google Full

Sebenarnya cara yang relatif mudah untuk menarik pengunjung ke blog kita. ialah banyak-banyaklah berkunjung ke blog lain, isi shoutbox nya dan kalau perlu berkomentar, semakin akrab semakin baik. karena dengan cara demikian sebenarnya kita telah beriklan  tentang keberadaan blog kita sendiri.

Namun jika blog kita ingin menarik pengunjung dari hasil pencarian - dan ingin terindex  ke dalam  mesin pencari (Search Engine) seperti google dan yahoo.  yang  harus kita lakukan adalah mendaftarkan  blog kita ke dalam mesin pencari tersebut.

Memasukan Url or Alamat Blog Ke Google.

Daftarkan blog kita ke google melalui situs sini. Google add Url.
Url : isi dengan alamat blog anda
Commnets : masukan keterangan tentang blog anda. >> add url

Verifikasi dan Submit ke Webmaster Tools.

Langkah selanjut memperifikasi dan men submit sitemap blog anda ke webmaster tool.
1. buka google webmaster tools kemudian daftar mengunakan gmail account yang kita miliki.
2. klik tab Add a Site
Webmaster Tools
3. Enter the URL of a site you'd like to manage. masukan alamat blog anda - tampa di awali dengan http:// atau www. misal >>
klik Continue.

4. Kemudian pada halaman Verification status, ( untuk blogspot biarkan pemilihan pada Meta Tag . red ). Salin / copy semua tulisan <meta name="google-site-verification" dst.. dgn cara pilih klik kanan mouse copy. 

verification status

5. Login / masuk pada blog anda ( ), kemudian dalam halaman Template, pilih >> tab Edit Html. masukan dan simpan meta name verifikasi yang tadi kita copy setelah tag :  <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> 

Setelah beres klik tombol >> Save Template / Simpan Perubahan.
6. Kembali ke halaman google webmaster tool. kemudian klik tombol Verify, untuk mengkonfirmasi pendaftaran.
7.  Jika berhasil ter Verifikasi maka anda akan masuk pada halaman Dasboard .

Submit a Sitemap

Setelah blog kita terverifikasi, langkah selanjut mensubmit sitemap / peta situs blog kita. Untuk blogspot sitemapnya tidak serumit blog lain.
Untuk mensubmit sebuah sitemap dalam halaman dasboard cari tulisan Sitemaps kemudian klik link tulisan Sumbit a Sitemap.

submit a sitemap  
Setelah itu pada halaman sitemaps klik tombol Add a site, dan masukan kode ini pada kotak isian >> Submit Sitemap

Keyword dan Keterangan Blog

Keyword atau kata kunci merupakan bagian dari penjelasan di atas. Walaupun menurut sebagian master seo. google dan search engine lainnya sudah tidak mendata lagi informasi dengan bantuan keyword yang ada pada sebuah situs web/blog.

Dan saya pun tidak akan menjelaskan panjang lebar tentang keyword ini, karena begitu luas dn dinamisnya – yang tidak mungkin saya bisa jabarkan dalam satu artikel. Namun untuk panduan dasar bisa anda donwload E-book “ Search Engine Optimization – Starter Guide pdf “.
Sedangkan untuk menyimpan atau menambah meta keyword dan meta description, tambahkan saja kode berikut ini, di bawah kode verifikasi di atas.

<meta content='ISI DESCRIPTION ' name='description'/>
<meta content='ISI KEYWORDS ' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='ISI AUTHOR NAME' name='author'/>
<meta content='index,follow' name='robots'/> 
Sumber yang relafan: 

Goji fruit from the super secret ageless Himalayas

Maybe you've watched TV Show Oprah Winfrey Show. In telling that at the time of the Tang dynasty to power in 800 century BC there is a well dug near the wall of a famous temple at that time. The well was covered by surrounding plants Wolfberry. over the years Wolfberry an elderly fall into the well and the people who worship there have a healthy body, and despite being 80 years old none of their hair turned white like most people, and none of them lost a tooth because it was dusk. This is because they drink the water in the well. From this legend many people who worship there and the well became a legend because kasiat water.
So there is news that people who live at the Temple of the Himalayas is the oldest and the first therapeutic use of plants as medicine. And distributed them to the expert knowledge of Chinese medicine, Tiber and India. One of the secrets of their treatment is the fruit of native trees Goji, which are planted along the Himalayas.
Those who come there to study medicine, bringing Goji seeds of trees to be planted in their yard, so that treatment into the Himalayan legend.Some of the benefits both of Goji Juice:
Goji juice makes the body's metabolism becomes stronger, have better nutritional quality and also gives the effect of one's lifetime. Research and analysis indicate that goji juice affect the average growth in longevity contribute
Goji is actually a seed, which is not commonly found and can also be used to make juice special. This suggests that some elderly people drink it as a longevity secret that gives a distinct advantage for goji juice. The experts found that there are many anti-oxidants in this goji, which prevents the body become damaged due to dead cells and cells that are oldNutrition In Goji
Goji Berry Qualified:
  1. Contains 19 Amino Acids - building blocks of protein including all eight essential amino acids essential for life.
  2. Contains 21 minerals including germanium, an anti-cancer mineral rarely found in food.
  3. Contains four unique Polysaccharides from this plant. Unique polysaccharide is essential for immune function and communication between cells, working in the body with berngsi as director and host of the instructions that cells use to communicate with each other.
  4. Containing more protein than wheat (13%)
  5. Contains a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta carotene (better than carrots) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Himalayan Goji Juice is the largest source of carotenoids of any food.
  6. Contains Vitamin C with levels 500 times higher than oranges.
  7. Contains Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, and B6) needed to convert food into energy.
  8. Contains Vitamin E (very rarely found in fruits, only in grains or beans.
  9. Contains beta-sitosterol and anti-inflammatory substances intermediaries, beta-sitosterol also lowers cholesterol and used to treat impotence and prostate enlargement.
  10. Contains essential fatty acids, which are required for the body's hormone production and for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  11. Containing Cyperon kind of "a sesquiterpene that benefits the heart and blood pressure and reduce discomfort during menstruation.
  12. Containing Solavetivone, anti-fungal compound and an anti-bacterial which are very strong.
  13. Physalin containing highly active naturally occurring compounds that bring out all types of leukemia and is also used in the treatment of hepatitis B disease
Plus 34 Goji Benefits:
What if the doctor tells you that there are juice drinks that where you drink every day, will give a very impressive result for your health as below:
  1. Extending the age of the main molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants to protect the body from premature aging
  2.  Increase Energy and Stamina Increase tolerance, stamina and endurance in exercise / physical activity. Helps relieve weak, especially during the healing
  3. Makes you look younger / younger & sleep more soundly in the Himalayan Goji Juice Polysaccharides stimulate the release of hGH (Human Growth Hormone), a period of growth hormone (youth hormone), thus making the appearance to be younger and sleep more soundly.
  4. Stabilize blood pressure
  5. Controlling blood cholesterol levels
  6. Stabilize blood sugar levels for diabetics / diabetes
  7. Increase Libido / sex
  8. Helps reduce body weight and fat Helps to convert food into energy and normalize cortisol levels
  9. Reduce pain in the head and back pain
  10. Maintaining a healthy heart, blood, kidneys and liver
  11. Boost the immune system, resistance to
  12. disease, and help the healing of cancer patients in the Himalayan Goji Juice Polysaccharides encourage and balance the body's cells, including T-cells, IL2, LGA and IgG. This helps to cure cancer
  13. Sendir fight inflammation and inflammation (arthritis) as well as strengthen muscles and bones
  14. Improving fertility, helps prevent the "Morning Sickness" at the time of pregnancy and relieve the symptoms of menopause
  15. Improve memory
  16. Reduce stress and anxiety.
  17. Generating a greater zest for life.
  18. Increasing the power of vision
  19. Against pertumbauhan and cancer development.
  20. Increasing resistance to disease
  21. Used as a cancer treatment
  22. Protect and repair DNA damage
  23. Inhibit cancer growth
  24. Reducing the toxic effects from chemotherapy and radiation
  25. Keeping the power of the blood cells
  26. Overcoming chronic dry cough
  27. Against swelling and joint pain
  28. Improving the presentation of white blood cells
  29. Reducing interference mensturasi
  30. Increasing fertility
  31. Muscle Strengthening bones and teeth
  32. Helps kidney function
  33. To improve memory and as a brain tonic
  34. Maintaining heart health
  35. Helps overcome stress and anxiety
  36. Maintain healthy digestive tract
  37. Increase passion and joy
  38. Maintaining healthy gums
  39. Help overcome the inflammation of muscles (fibromyalgia)
  40. Against Allergy
  41. Maintaining the health of children - child
This article is my take on the site

Also Read This Article:

Danger effects of cavities

If you really like to eat that sweet ..? like to drink the sweet, sweet love to snack yan ....? If so then you should be able to withstand a bit of sweet flavor you want, because based on research, that sweet foods are the biggest factors that cause cavities. And you should know that teeth can cause many diseases belubang either mild to acute disease (can cause death).

when you eat sweet foods, the sugar content in foods that will stick to the teeth and clear crust will cause seed cavities (this happened within 2 minutes). So for you the enthusiast candy, chocolate, and all foods that are sweet with seksamam you should read this article. Because believe it or not cavities have fatal consequences if we do not care.
cavities when the inside there is an infection of the teeth. tida patched soon if it will lead to a deeper infection of the teeth, then spread into the cavity of the nerve and causing the tip of tooth root abscesses. Tooth abscess is a collection of pus CAUSED of infections in the tooth cavity nerve pain is incredible. If the infection still occurs in the cavity of a tooth nerve cavities will result in several diseases including:
  •  Tooth which had perforated
  •  Mediastinitis (inflammation of the chest)
  • Sepsis (inflammation in the body due to infection)
  • Facial cellulitis, Ludwigs angina (spread of infection into jaringanlunak such as heart, liver, and others)
  • Osteomyelitisof the jaw (spread of infection into the jawbone dental)
  • My other deployment resulted in a brain abscess (infection of the human brain)
  • Endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart, heart muscle and heart valves)
  • Pneumonia (lung inflammation aru)

If on further surgery will be much more harmful effects very essence of cavities. So for us who prefer to please more regulated healthy diet and how our food consumption. This article does not forbid you to eat sweet foods, but I advise you to manage your diet.
There are a few tips so you will be able to eat sweet foods without having to worry will lead to cavities. please follow these simple steps:
1. Try to eat or drink with content that is not too sweet.
you try to consume food or drink that is more natural sugar content. not too much added sweetener, chocolate, or sugar on your consumption. because of food or drink that is too sweet will result in the infection process in the crust of the tooth is happening so fast.
2. Do not eat / drink that sweet before bed
if your hobby sweet foods or drinks. I advise you not to consume it before you sleep, because when you sleep on dental infection will happen so fast and difficult to overcome.
3. Do not forget to brush your teeth after the consumption of sweet
after you eat sweet foods make sure you brush your teeth to sweet food scraps that can be lost from your teeth. if you have not had time to brush my teeth please rinse with clean water atu neutral with lots of drinking water.

Also Read This Article:

May 03, 2011

Contoh Skripsi Full Data


untuk mendapatkan contoh skripsi Tarbiyah/PAI ini, silahkan klik link download di bawah ini: 


2. Analisis Kewajiban Pencatatan Nikah dalam Udang-Undang No 1. Tahun 1974 pasal 2 ayat 2, (Tinjaun Ushul Fiqh”

untuk mendapatkan contoh skripsi Syariah/Akhwalussasiah ini, silahkan klik link download di bawah ini:
Download Judul No 2  

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