April 18, 2011

Tips on How to Eliminate Black spots

Eliminates spots HitamNasuha Smith Al Gibran has tips trick is not hard just takes patience and be done continuously. Black spots or brownish patches of skin brown patches on the face of course very disturbing appearance. Black spots or also called this orthodoxy can be caused by several things. Among them are due to acne scars, in addition, also due to exposure to direct sunlight.

The color of facial skin becomes uneven. There are several ways or tips to get rid of black spots on the face of the traditional and safe for health. Originally diligently do so, God willing, black spots will thin out and disappear. If you have lost, do it regularly to clean the skin glowing and free from the annoying black spots. Follow these tips

  • If out of the room to use sunblock with an SPF content of 30%, repeat every 3-4 hours.

  • Use a natural mask of yam or potato or yam puree way shaped like a potato until coarse puree, strain and then separated between water andpulp , then use the dregs of yam or potato as a mask ,wait about 20 minutes then rinse with warm water .

  • Avoid cleaning the face with cleansing milk early in the morning or at night simply by washing your face with plain warm water, because the toner face will make the skin look dry.

  • Use a natural mask of lemon slices, by cutting oranges in half, then rub on the skin surface contained spots stain, let sit for a moment to dry then rinse with warm water.

  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain selenium which is useful to dampen the activity of free radicals in the body and the Vitamin C found in oranges, tomatoes, and guava. Vitamin C helps fight skin pigmentation of skin dryness and limited.

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Natural Skin Whitening

Whitening Natural Skin Care. According to News and Information in circulation, there are many bleaching creams that are sold loose without a brand, consumers do not understand and can not read the content of the material is in the package contents. This is very dangerous. Before you choose a whitening product do not forget to first learn the content contained within the packaging. Because if not, there dihawatirkan of hazardous chemicals, not the good results obtained opposite. And this has been a lot happening.
Skin color is not always the same person, and do not even think to want the same white skin with your own friends, for instance. There is a simple matter to find out what extent, the skin whitening process can be done safely. Look under your arm, well if you would make the process of bleaching the skin, it can not be longer than the forearm skin color.
Whiten tidah must always using cosmetics aja no safe way we can try, which uses natural ingredients.
Natural ingredients help to nourish the skin, among others ...Natural materials below can assist in maintaining the skin. Not only smooth, but also healthy .. n for sure we can get easily.
LemonThis one fruit better known as the fishy odor remover, or a mixture of food flavoring. But the real lime juice are also many benefits for beauty and health. Water that comes from the flesh of this fruit is known can make smaller pores and remove excess fat in oily skin types.
Benefits:To close the skin pores. Take the flesh of orange juice, apply on skin. Usually around the nose and cheek that the pores look big. To whiten and soften the skin. Rub pieces of lemon skin on the face and other body parts. Oia .. sometimes wear this lime will be slightly sore in the skin, especially for those whose skin is wound ...
AvocadoIt is said that a lot of avocado nianfaatnya especially for beauty. With science, it is evident that the avocado is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Avocado contains vitamins A, C, and E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acid and protein not usually found in fruit. All these substances are useful for the beauty and skin health.
Benefits:As a moisturizer. Take part in the avocado skin, which contains humektan, and able to withstand moisture. Rub gently to about face and leave for 15 minutes. After that wash the face using cold water. Do it before you sleep at night because nighttime is the right time for the skin to work. Face moisture to make up last long afterwards.
Use of Masks and Body ScrubThe use of masks is an effort to beautify themselves with a treatment using several types of plants such as vegetables. Masks can be stressful and lubricate the skin. The use of plant products including the manufacture of masks. Skin that still teenagers may use the mask from vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, yam, potatoes, carrots.
Yam MasksCan whiten and remove the black marks and pigmentation in the skin. 
Potato maskIt can soften and whiten the skin. 
Tomato MaskIt can soften and lubricate the skin.

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Tea Health Drinks

Tea is a tropical and subtropical plant which is scientifically known as Camellia Sinensis. From approximately 3000 types of tea result of interbreeding, the results obtained are 3 kinds of tea process, namely green tea, oolong tea and black tea. How tea processing tea leaves by chopping and drying in the sun so that chemical changes before being dried. The treatment will cause the color of the leaves turn brown and give a taste of black tea are typical.
Green tea, the oldest type of tea, so favored mainly by Japanese and Chinese society. Here the tea leaves have a bit of cooking, heating and drying so that only green leaf color can be maintained. While oolong tea is more of a type intermediate between black tea and green tea. The three types of tea each with its own health benefits because it contains binding biochemical called polyfenol, including flavonoids. Flavonoids are a group of antioxidants that exist naturally in vegetables, fruits, and beverages such as tea and wine.
Subclass of polyphenols include flavonols, flavonoids, flavanones, anthocyanidins, catechins, and biflavan. Derivatives of catechins such as epi-cathecin (EC), epigallo-cathecin (EGC), cathecin epigallo-gallate (EGCG), and quercetin is mainly found in tea. EGCG and quercetin is a powerful anti-oxidant with a strength of up to 4-5 times higher than vitamin E and C which is also a potential antioxidant. Antioxidants are known to prevent cells from damage considering each cell damage will contribute more than 50 diseases.
Green tea contains EGCG, as well as black tea, says a biochemist. In a study by Dutch researchers say, consume 4-5 cups of black tea every day cut the risk of stroke by 70% compared with those who consumed 2 cups of tea a day or less. Other reports mention more black tea consumption is associated with low heart attack cases. John Folts, director of the Medical School, Center for Research and Prevention of Arterial Thrombosis, University of Wisconsin, USA to find the key properties of flavonoids in tea. Research results showed that flavonoids in black tea could inhibit the clotting of blood platelet cells thus preventing the blockage of blood vessels in hantung coronary disease and stroke. Another study mentioned that the fanatical tea drinkers had higher levels of cholesterol and low blood pressure, although it remains unclear whether it was directly caused by tea.
Researchers at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA to find the effect of green tea on the skin up to 90%. It turned out that tea is very effective to protect the skin from the sun can cause skin cancer. Tea also contains fluoride which is known to strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent tooth decay. In a laboratory study in Japan, researchers found that tea helps prevent the formation of dental plaque and kill bacteria cause inflammation of the gums.
Japanese study shows, tea-producing region known as the pendudukanya fanatic tea drinker, very low death rate caused by cancer. Another study, carried out cooperation between the research team Oguni and cancer research center in Beijing to study the effects of green tea extract on mice that had been given food rations carcinogenic (cancer-triggering substances.) Reportedly, the average rate of cancer in mice that received green tea extract half of the mice that did not receive green tea extract.
The researchers believe that polyphenols known as cathecin contained in green tea, helps the human body fight cancer cells. Another study conducted by Oguni and Dr. Masami Yamada of the Hamamatsu Medical Center found cathecin kill Helicobator pylori, the bacteria trigger stomach cancer.

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